Saturday, April 7, 2012

A-Z April Blogging Challenge - G - GODIVA by Nerys Ann Jones

Godiva by Nerys Ann Jones recounts the legend of Godiva, the wife of Earl of Mercia, in 1045  Britian.  Britian is in turmoil.  Succession to the throne is coveted by the Normans, who seek to usurp Edward the Confessor.  We all know the story of Godiva riding her horse naked but, other than that fact, very little is said about Godiva.  I, personally, am interested in learning the entire story of Godiva, whose singular action has survived a thousand years.


  1. lovely post for G interesting
    do check out my G at GAC a-z

  2. NEver heard of this book before but it sounds intersting


  3. Nice to find someone else who likes historical fiction. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month.

  4. That indeed sounds like a nice reading! I'll be looking for it, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    From Diary of a Writer in Progress

  5. Thank you nutschell, Sharkbytes and Gina for stopping by and taking the time to comment. It's muchly appreciated! And, Sharkbytes, you're doing 2 April challenges. Good on you.
